Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Job To Do?/Best Job Ever

You don't have to be like Bill Gates!
With article marketing you do not need all the programming skills that comes with software development.
Searching for what job to do? Do you want the best job ever?
If you can write like Willie Nelson or Mark Twain, then you could make a fortune with article marketing. They capture their audiences attention. Willie with his songs and Mark with his novels. You want to keep listening or reading what they "market" to you. Yes their products are marketed the same way everything else is.
Now don't start saying "I am not a writer" or "They have written so many different things that I am not capable of" You can sell them to other people. I'm sure there are hundreds of items out there that you can sell that these 2 people created. You just have to target their audience who are already fans that want their products. Hey!! That might be my next campaign. The niche is there, the demand is there. Well that would be a micro niche. That will come in a later subject.
If you turn the radio on and hear Willie Nelson playing on what is usually a heavy metal or rap station you may listen for a little while. But if you are a fan of the other styles of music, you would quickly lose interest and turn the channel. You certainly wouldn't go out and buy one of his CDs.
The same would go for Mark Twain. If you are not interested in works of fiction or folk tales you probably wouldn't buy one of his books.
You have to find your audience for your sales efforts to produce income. Finding your niche is the first step to any marketing campaign. If you are marketing to the wrong people it will not matter how many see your article they will not stick around long enough for you to make a sell. If you made it this far down the page, I have found the right audience and hopefully you will stick around for what comes next.
If your are tired of working for someone else, Start your own business and the best job ever.

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