Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tired of working while others sit on their butt!

Why do we always here that Social Security is going broke? They try to blame the shortage of funds on the Baby Boomers retiring, But didn't these people pay in to social security. Yes they did! Where is all that money? It was stolen from the accounts to subsidize other programs.
What other programs could that have been? Well you never here about welfare and food stamp programs going broke. Why do we seem to be more interested in taking care of people that don't try to take of themselves than the folks that have worked their whole life, paid their taxes and never relied on anyone but themselves to survive.

Other people come into the United States illegally and can get more assistance than a disabled American that had worked all their life. I know everyone is getting tired of working all the time while others work the system and seem to live better than us. Election time is here and I hope that we elect some Americans this time.

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